Anti-Semitism and Anti-Apartheid State are two different things.

Today a friend brought me an unsolicited copy of the Sunday Times. He showed me a big article in the middle of it which basically said that the protests and criticism of Israel over Gaza was part of a rise of anti Semitism in Europe.

I felt the shiver of sinister forces trying to shape public opinion to the now standard criticism of anything vaguely hostile to the apartheid Israeli state as anti-Semitism. A view which is and has been pushed and promoted by the Israeli state for a while now.
The 1% look like they are lining up criticism of the apartheid state as some kind of race crime.

The constant portrayal by the Israelis of a narrative of being under attack by "terrorists" is wearing a bit thin. They are the ones who have imprisoned a whole population of 2 million people mostly children under 17.

We know that Israeli drones could tell what sort of weapons the Hamas unit that attacked the kibbutz from the tunnel were carrying. This was the reason they gave for being able to identify the threat. The same drones could not tell the difference between four boys playing football on the beach and a military unit. Yeah pull the other one!
We have been here before - Gaza's children murdered en masse by the IDF, in 2008 and now its back. The phrase "Mowing the Lawn" comes to mind at the sheer disregard for the lives of Palestinians by the Israeli state.

I think our politicians have made a massive mistake lining up to say that it is OK for the Israelis to bomb hospitals. For example I am sure that there is probably a 100,000 Scottish  who were pro union and pro Palestinian. I have a feeling that they will be voting a resounding No now.The politicians are seriously out of step with the public on this one.

On my social network feeds I am seeing no support for Israeli actions except from a few trolls on the mainstream sites and they are mostly pretty incoherent IDF sock puppets. But what has given me real hope is the sheer volume of support for the people of Gaza  from every side and corner  of my social network relationships which is just not reflected in the mainstream media.

I have not had a TV licence for the last year as I don't watch live television and didn't really want to pay for a BBC which is now nearer to Chinese State TV in terms of news bias and PR. I did watch the BBC news once or twice in the last couple of weeks on iPlayer and I was stunned at the level of bias towards Israel.They were portraying some kind of battle between plucky IDF heroes and evil terrorists, not a military superpower attacking one of the poorest countries in the world, mostly populated by kids.
I would like to give Jon Snow of Channel 4 a big thumbs up. Check him out on YouTube. Rihanna chickened out.

To equate support of the Palestinians with anti Semitism is so bad an argument that it really shows the bankruptcy of the moral code the governs the Israeli state.The term Semite includes not just the Jews of Israel but also the indigenous Palestinians.But then again what is the maths for the Israeli state  a 1000 Palestinians worth 1 Israeli. ie less then human.

Let me say now that like all the other people I have met, most of the Jews I have met were alright. I don't have a lot of respect for religious concepts but I have friends who believe in all sorts of different ideas and I can live with that. I am not afraid of their ideas and they are not afraid of mine.

I do see the Israeli state as a violent, land grabbing, racist, theocratic,rogue state. Saying this does not make me anti-Semitic.
If our governments are not prepared to make a stand then we should certainly have a go.Boycott all Israeli goods. Write to your MP and ask them where do they stand, with the Israeli state or with the children of Gaza. Boycott media organisations that show bias by not buying or using their products.Cancel your TV licence and stop watching live TV with its warmongering rubbish.

Israel is seen throughout the world now as even worse then South Africa at the height of the apartheid regime and what is amazing is that the Jews of Israel  and specifically Jews, don't and cannot see that and look at themselves and how they treat the people that they live among.

The truth about Israel's human rights record cannot be suppressed by anti-Semitism laws and if our rulers think that then they don't understand the internet, oh maybe they do and that's why they are trying to control it.

Our politicians need to be reminded of the phrase not in my name.


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